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ICAO Manufacturer Type/Model Wake
L59 AERO L-59 L
L39 AERO L-139 Albatross L
L39 AERO L-39 Albatross L
L29 AERO L-29 Delfin L
L159 AERO L-159 Albatross 2 M
AE45 AERO Ae-45 / Ae-145 L
A270 AERO Ae-270 Ibis L
AB95 Aero Boero AB-95 L
AB18 Aero Boero AB-180 L
AB15 Aero Boero AB-150 L
AB11 Aero Boero AB-115 L
VO10 Aero Commander 100 Commander 100 L
SS2P Aero Commander S-2 Ag Commander L
M200 Aero Commander Commander 200 L
JCOM Aero Commander 1121 Jet Commander M
CLB1 Aero Commander Ag Commander (B-1) L
AC80 Aero Commander 680T / 680V Turbo Commander L
AC72 Aero Commander Alti Cruiser L
AC72 Aero Commander 720 Alti Cruiser L
AC6L Aero Commander 680FL Grand Commander L
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