P.O. Box: 25481 Safat Kuwait

Gurgi Near El Andalus Market Tripoli Libya
ADM Express Service offers a single-source solution to manage your transportation and freight, giving you the capacity to extend your business horizon beyond the Libyan skyline. Our expert and dedica...

P.O. Box: 81206 Tripoli Libya
ADM Express Service offers a single-source solution to manage your transportation and freight, giving you the capacity to extend your business horizon beyond the Libyan skyline. Our expert and dedica...

P.O. Box: 159 Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Crater P.O. Box: 424 Aden Yemen

P.O.Box: 6137 Aden Al-Mansoura Yemen
Vision To develop Aden As a regional logistics and manufacturing hub with world class standards, to become the driving force of Aden's economic and social development and a vital part of Yemen economy...

P.O. Box: 1105 Sanaa Yemen

P.O. Box: 43217 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi oil companies operating offshore established a committee in 1988 to coordinate arrangements for the provision of support between participants in the event of major emergency. The committee i...