AirframeConfiguration and color scheme development using computer aided design. Aircraft damage survey, evaluation, recovery plan and repair scheme development. Development of aging aircraft mandatory structural modification and corrosion prevention and control program (CPCP), definition to suit individual aircraft or operator fleet. Design development of major/ minor repairs to restore damaged members to serviceable status.
Repetitive technical program analysis and remedial action recommendations. Customized aircraft/ engine work scope development. Reliability analysis and engine condition monitor
Airframes Serviced737-200, 737-300/400/500, 707 up to C check, A320.
Certifying Agencies: Egyptian Civil Aviation
Total hangar space is 12,000 sq. meters, 100 meters span and 26 meters clear height.
Ownership: privately held (100%)
Executives: Tarek Ahmed (President & CEO), Ghada Ahmed (Executive Vice President), Gamal Hamed (Quality Assurance) Farg Sadik (Technical Director), Zayed Abd El Azziz (Maintenance Director).
Egyptian Company for Aircraft Maintenance (ECAM)
9 Farouk Amer.Cairo-Egypt P.O.Box 2923
Sheraton Heliopolis BuildingsCairo, Egypt
Phone: +20222678183
Fax: +20222678184
Hangar Location:
Sharm El Sheikh International Airport-South-Sinai. Egypt.