Established in 1982 by Sayed Hamid Behbehani & Sons , Kuwait. First Kuwaiti company to be awarded with ISO 9001 back in 1995 by DNV. Company certified for ISO/TS 29001:2010 Quality Management System s...
Ahlia Chemicals Co. is one of the leading manufacturers of construction specialties chemicals in the State of Kuwait since 1981 with the capital of US $ 10 Million. Ahlia Chemicals Co. is the pioneer ...
We are one of the oldest public shareholding companies providing all classes of insurance in Bahrain. Established in 1976 and gained tremendous credibility in a highly competitive market. In our conti...
Established in 1981, Al Ahlea Circle Cleaning Company is one of the oldest and largest cleaning service companies in Kuwait as well as the leading providers of logistical support services to multinati...